Sunday, 3 June 2018

Reaching out

I have been touched by the amount of people reaching out. Friends and family, but also strangers too. Wishing me well, Sending prayers and healing. Only yesterday I received a pair of brand new Stihl safety sunglasses for my gardening work from a chap I met only once through a friend.
People genuinely care and it puts faith back into humanity, especially when all we hear on the news is doom and gloom. We only ever get fed one half of a story via mainstream media. We will do well to remember this.
Reaching out is a gift to others and it got me thinking how I have played a part in this sometimes seemingly small act of kindness in the past.
I'm not sure that I have always been able to. Reaching out to others in need of support involves vulnerability and courage.
Worrying about saying the wrong thing to that person. Not knowing how I can help. Afraid of illnesses and brokenness and raw emotions. Fear plays a big part in playing it small and it has all led me to sometimes not do anything at all.
But to do nothing is complacent and cowardly. I have sometimes been a coward in the past.
When I was in my darkest moments, it was the people who reached out that helped me see the light.
No matter how small a gesture, to understand that others cared got me through.
To have people tell me 'I got this' that has been the gift of empowerment. To understand that I didn't need protecting but rather to be believed in has given me faith in myself even when at times I thought it had failed me.
And then there is reaching out on a personal level. Reaching out to ask for help, that can be even harder. I have always considered myself a strong person. But I believe we all have the ability to be strong. I'm no one special. But I grew strong because of people reaching out to me.
To know that we are not alone and that our power is ours alone to use for the highest good is one of the biggest life lessons.
And so, in future, I will do better. I will not allow fear to get in the way of saying I care. I will reach out and if I say the wrong thing, I shall remain graceful and learn to say what is needed to be heard.

I cannot sign off without a special thank you to my parents who stood by me and is still standing through all of this. They have been my rock and I am forever grateful.
I also want to give thanks to my Godmother who came to see me in hospital after 15 years of being apart. It felt like we time had stood still. She looked after me from birth to 6 months when I was very sick in hospital. The love between us is still tangible to this day and I hope we remain firm friends and in regular contact from now on. Life is so short and love is precious.
And thank you to each and everyone of you who have followed me through this recent journey either physically or via this blog.
There is still much more to be written so this is not the end. But this is me reaching out to you to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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