Tuesday, 19 July 2016

To the One.

To the one who plays the victim. You say it’s never been your fault and blame circumstances. People, Your up-bringing, your parents.

TAKE OWNERSHIP. Empower yourself. Take the lessons that were given to you as life experiences and be the better person because of it. Share your stories.  

To the one who plays it safe and remaining in your comfort zone.

GET THE FUCK OUT OF IT! Even for once in a while. Broaden your Community. Find new experiences. Meet new people. Don’t just stick around with the same old faces who will only serve to strengthen your already limiting beliefs.

To the one who lives spiritually doing yoga, meditation & forever ‘being the light’.

ACHKNOWLEDGE THE DARKNESS THAT IS INSIDE ALL OF US. Be active. DO stuff, anything in your power to actively change the world around you. Whofting around being all love & light just doesn’t cut it. We are given the gift of life. Use it.

To the one who uses excuses.
RECOGNISE YOUR FEAR. And then do something about it. Life IS too short. Don’t hide behind your mediocre excuses. They do not serve your highest power. Fear is the same vibration as excitement. Feel it in your bones and do it anyway.

To the one who ‘can’t do it’.

LEARN! If you can’t do something, take lessons. Ask someone who can. Find a way. If you don’t want to learn, dig deep, get passionate and find something that will drive you. Don’t ever stagnate in old beliefs, old opinions and old ways of doing things. Move with the times.

To the one who is passive aggressive.

GET ANGRY! Hell it’s in there. So find the fire in your belly, feel the power and let yourself roar! Use that energy and channel it to your highest good. It is never something to be afraid of.

To the one who is Angry.

EXPLORE the source of your anger. Express it and allow it to move freely. Do not blame others for your reactions. Choose to soften. Choose forgiveness.

To the one who gives up too easily.

DON’T ever give up. Keep going. Small steps and keep moving forwards. Don’t ever look back. Regrets serve no purpose.

To the one who plays it small.

DO THE WORLD A FAVOUR and play it large. What use can anyone ever be to the world if we were too afraid to be the best on the planet?! It is what we choose to do with our wealth, our power, our money, our privilege that makes us who we are. We can do great things with them.

To the one who suffers from disabilities and poor health.

DO NOT ALLOW IT TO DEFINE YOU. Keep doing everything in your power to find and remain in good health as much as you can. Do not focus on what you can’t do, but find all the things you can do and do them well.


To us all.



secretgeek said...

Love it, love it, love it!

Well said and something for everyone.

And how you have addressed so aptly the fact that we must embrace and not suppress the two halves of ourselves. Only then can we live as the balanced individuals we were created to be.

Wonderful to see your expression.

Monique said...

Bravo! What fabulous and accurate words. You definitely have something for every 'one' here.

quirky cow shed said...

Thankyou for your comments. Initially I was hesitant on posting but am so glad I did. ❤

Unknown said...

Yes, completely agree. Hun...Hope you are well Melissa. I never forget a beautiful and fine lady. All the best. Pete x