Monday, 7 January 2013

A Fresh start

A New Year means new beginnings for many of us, I among them.
However, I don’t believe that one should wait till the start of a new year to start making changes. I decided to take control and make changes to my life in the summer of 2012 at least 6mths from the traditional resolution date!

This year I look upon the last one as a gaining of wisdom and knowledge to prepare me for the forthcoming year of 2013. I’m not sure what is in hold for me. I have ideas and dreams, but they are always changing dependant on my moods’ and they change often! So all I can do is be the best person I can be, to live up to my highest potential, to be kind and understanding and to live my life with compassion and humility.

And rather than make a load of resolutions, which more often or not would have been left on the wayside by Valentine’s Day, I have decided to make goals instead. That way, they will enable me to move forward in life but if by the end of the year, the goals are unachieved, at least I will be at peace rather than feeling a failure, knowing that I have moved at least 1 step nearer to my intended goals. They will keep me moving forward and if they change in the meantime, then that’s ok too.
After all, it’s not the destination that counts, but rather the journey itself.

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